1,605 research outputs found

    Monitoring the quality of tourism experience

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    The new economic era the experience economy that we entered in the XXI century is challenging the overall tourism industry and destinations to respond to visitor expectations in a radically different way, demanding a new vision on what is truly being delivered to them. Within the current era, tourism businesses and destinations, in order to thrive and compete globally, are bound to recognize that experience, not goods or services, are what motivates visitors to travel, repeat visits to the destinations and recommend it to friends and relatives. Being so, a research agenda for tourism development and quality should place at its centre the nature of tourist experience and meanings of quality tourist experience from the stakeholders point of view, so that the industry actors can take joint action supported by in-depth knowledge of meanings attached to experience. With few exceptions, in tourism related literature, quality tourism experience has been largely overlooked. However, tourist experience and tourism experience have been discussed by Clawson [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] among others. Clawson[1] wrote about recreation experience; Boorstin[2] discoursed on authenticity in tourist experience; Cohen[3], [4] studied the phenomenological tourist experience frames; MacCannell's[5] presented contemporaneous writings on tourist experience and authenticity. Pearce and Caltabiano[7] further extended consideration of traveller and tourist experience and authenticity with connections to motivations. Smith [6], Smith and Brent [8] addressed the interaction of host and guest in travel experience. Ryan [9] focused particularly on the `tourist experience'. Tourism and tourist experience past research have also focused on temporary and activity-based relationships [1] and some only on activity [10], [11]. Borrie and Birzell[12] presented four ways used to understand tourist and tourism experience. Those four ways include (1) meaningsbased[13], (2) benefits, (3) satisfaction[14], and (4) experience based means[4], [15]. Urry[16] introduced the notion of 'gaze' into considerations of tourist experience albeit 'his gazes' were challenged by Perkins and Thorns[17]. Although there has been considerable theoretical thinking on the subject, not much empirical research is available. One reason for this to happen is the multidimensional, complex and highly diversified nature of the tourist experience. Another reason is related to the fact that supporting constructs, namely satisfaction, quality and value, continue relatively ambiguous and are not always part of an integrated vision and consistent research. And yet, understanding of major and relevant dimensions of the tourist experience are of utmost importance to construct operationalization for effective experience management at destination level. The article proposes an integrated vision on how to monitor the quality of tourism in a mass tourism coastal destination the Algarve (Portugal). While analyzing the quality of the tourism experience from tourists' perspective represents the overall purpose of this paper, and the specific objectives are threefold. Firstly, the research intends to assess the tourists' perceptions on the four dimensions of the experience destination, attributes and compares them with satisfaction felt in terms of the same attributes. Secondly, it expects to provide an overall assessment of tourism experience. Thirdly, the study proposes to establish the relationship between tourist satisfaction and the tourist experience and destination loyalty.The questionnaires were based on the work of Oh, Fiori and Jeong [18], after having been adapted to the Algarve tourist destination context, and refer to the four areas of the Experience Economy: Education (items a, b, c, d), aesthetics (items e, f, g, h), Entertainment (i, j, k, l) and Escapism (m, n, o, p). The last three items- q, r, s are related to memory and memories. To that end, a survey was carried out sampling 405 individuals. Of the 397 valid questionnaires obtained, 90% were answered by tourists from Portugal, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The results show about 95% of the respondents are satisfied and very satisfied. Approximately 95.3% of the respondents say they are satisfied and very satisfied with their stay in the Algarve. About the quality of lived experience, 77.3% classified very good and excellent. One of the important findings of this research is that the majority of the respondents (93`)/0) intends to recommend the Algarve to friends and relatives. With this research, the team expects to contribute to a thorough understanding of tangible and intangible activities and attributes that form the underlying basis of the tourist experience in coastal tourism

    Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: an analytical study

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    Currently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness, especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions using the current digital economy are also shown.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The theoretical and methodologists progress of the social sciences and also the massive presence of social workers in the social life induces me to describe the facts where philosophy and human sciences crossed each other with the goal to emphasize the problems and the challenges that their relationships puts on the contemporary knowledge’s configuration. To make that, I writhed some remarks about the books of Merleau-Ponty, Lévi-Strauss and Foucault, like Kant’s successors

    PACE: Domain-Specific Language to Enable Developers Autonomy in Dealing with Complex Build Pipelines

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    The complexity of the product developed makes its validation processes too complex, namely build pipelines. This complexity of build pipelines, coupled with the lack of knowledge in different teams about their manipulation, means that teams cannot be fully independent. This independence makes one team responsible for maintaining build pipelines. The lack of independence on the teams means that they can not develop their components from end to end, which can lead to a delay in development if the team responsible for maintaining pipelines cannot fulfill all requests in a short time. Since the software market is a competitive market, it is necessary to eliminate all sources of delays, or possible delays, in order to deliver value to customers quickly and frequently. With this, it is necessary to find a solution that allows different people from different areas and teams to handle build pipelines, in a simple and fast way, with practically no context about the concepts, terms, and configurations of build pipelines. In this work, a DSL is presented with a simple understanding syntax that abstracts some concepts related to build pipelines, which allows to create build pipelines logic and to program the automation logic in the same language, and it also allows having code reuse. This solution is based on two solutions already implemented in the industry and that has been successful: the use of a DSL; and the existence of libraries of build pipelines. The design, implementation, and validation were done in the industrial context of OutSystems. This allowed the validation of the prototype in a real scenario, making a comparison between the use of the prototype and the form of development of current build pipelines in the context of this company. The results obtained show evidence that in overall, productivity increases with the use of DSL.A complexidade do software faz com que os seus processos de validação também eles sejam complexos, nomeadamente os build pipelines. Esta complexidade dos build pipelines, associada com a falta de conhecimento existente nas diferentes equipas sobre a sua manipulação, faz com que as equipas não consigam ser totalmente independentes. Esta independência faz com que exista uma equipa responsável pela manutenção de build pipelines. A falta de independência das equipas leva a que elas não consigam desenvolver os seus componentes de ponta a ponta, o que poderá levar a um atraso no desenvolvimento se a equipa responsável pela manutenção de build pipelines não conseguir satisfazer todos os pedidos em pouco tempo. Uma vez que o mercado de software é um mercado competitivo, é preciso eliminar todas as fontes de atrasos, ou de possíveis atrasos, para que se consiga entregar valor aos clientes de forma rápida e frequente. Com isto, é necessário encontrar uma solução que permita que diferentes pessoas de diferentes áreas e equipas possam manipular build pipelines, de uma forma simples e rápida, sem possuírem praticamente nenhum contexto sobre os conceitos, termos, e configurações de build pipelines. Neste trabalho é então apresentada uma Domain Specific Language (DSL) com uma sintaxe de simples compreensão que abstrai alguns conceitos relacionados com build pipelines, que permita criar lógica de build pipelines e programar a lógica de automação tudo na mesma linguagem, e que também permita ter reutilização de código. Esta solução é baseada com duas soluções já implementadas na indústria e que obtiveram sucesso, o uso de uma DSL e a existência de bibliotecas de build pipelines. O desenho, implementação e validação foram feitos no contexto industrial da OutSystems. Isto permitiu validar o protótipo num cenário real, fazendo a comparação entre o uso do protótipo e a forma de desenvolvimento de build pipelines atual no contexto desta empresa. Os resultados obtidos mostram evidências de que no geral a produtividade aumenta com o uso da DSL

    Revisiting the destination image construct through a conceptual model

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    In a highly complex and dynamic sector like tourism, the current economic crisis brings to destination managers not only challenges but also opportunities. The image destinations promote to the market is a key element in the tourist decision-making process when choosing a tourism destination. This paper’s purpose is, therefore, to review and explore the destination image construct and its implications for the destination, and also to present a model of destination image based on previous studies. Implications for creating, enhancing and implementing the correct marketing programs for tourism destinations are provided.Num sector complexo e dinâmico como o Turismo, a presente realidade económica, conduz não só a desafios como oportunidades para os gestores dos destinos. A imagem dos destinos constitui uma dessas oportunidades, visto que a promoção do destino no mercado, é um factor crítico de sucesso durante o processo de escolha por parte do turista do seu próximo destino turístico. O presente artigo visa rever e explorar o constructo da imagem dos destinos e suas implicações para o destino, bem como apresentar um modelo aglutinador da formação da imagem dos destinos com base na pesquisa bibliográfica. As implicações para o desenvolvimento, aperfeiçoamento e implementação de programas de marketing mais eficientes para os destinos serão fornecidos

    The impacts of tourism experiences in the destination impact. The case of the Algarve

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    To succeed nowadays, tourism destinations must differentiate and create a competitive positioning, and this can only be done by addressing and adapting to the needs of their visitors. A value-attainment construct based on tourism experiences is proposed for the product development and promotion strategy of the destination Algarve

    Scoping challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 for the development of sustainable short food supply chains

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    Over the past decades, short food supply chains attracted government and public support owing to their potential to mitigate some of the sustainability issues associated with the conventional globalized food supply system. The recent event of the coronavirus disease pandemic placed unprecedented pressure on food supply systems worldwide, and it constitutes a unique opportunity to evaluate the performance of food chains. Through a scoping review of the academic literature, this study provides a critical assessment of the implications of the pandemic on short food supply chains in multiple economies. Following the guidelines outlined in the PRISMA-ScR framework, the SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science databases were searched for the academic literature on the topic. The results of the review indicate that, besides the direct effects of the pandemic, the indirect effects resulting from public policies implemented to contain the spread of the virus affected all relevant dimensions of sustainability. Moreover, the consequences of the pandemic were more disruptive in the short food chains of low-income countries than in those of high-income countries. The main challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of short food supply chains are identified, and recommendations for future research are outlined.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The interplay of marketing and design

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    This paper provides insights into the interdisciplinary intersections between marketing and design. It explores the various design intersections in the marketing fields. The collaboration between marketing and design is restricted by the paradigm boundaries, but not by the industry, researchers, and research projects. Challenges for both disciplines' future are explored, highlighting the need for a paradigm shift in marketing.FCT: UIDB/04020/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A model development of relationships between tourism experiences

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    The latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image

    The impacts of tourism experiences in the destination image: a marketing perspective

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    The thesis focus is to study the impacts of the tourism experiences in the destination image of the Algarve, Portugal, which is a tourism destination with a long tradition in the tourism activity, centered mainly in the sun and beach tourism products. The literature review conducted in this study concentrated on two main areas of knowledge, tourism and marketing, and on two constructs, destination image and tourism experience. The role of each construct and their interrelationship, and more specifically, the impact of the holiday tourism experience (TE) in the tourists’ perception of the tourism destination image (TDI) are the central point of this research. The empirical research has taken place in the Algarve, based on qualitative and quantitative methodology, about the foreign tourists’ opinion about the TDI, at two different moments, at the arrival and at the departure. To assess the TEs impacts in the TDI of the region, the tourists’ TEs were measure according to Oh, Fiore & Jeoung’s (2007) experience scale, based on Pine & Gilmore’s four realms of the experience. The first and second surveys were applied at Faro Airport, and in both studies tourists’ stronger images of the Algarve revealed to be sun, beach, but also food, relaxation and friendliness. The tourists perceive the Algarve as pleasant and moderately dynamic, and wish to return or to recommend it to others. Regarding the TEs at the destination, these were in general of Aesthetic dimension, pleasant and attractive. The other dimensions of the TEs, Escapism, Entertainment and Education were not highly rated. The explicative structural model presented, made possible to study the relationship between the four realms (Education, Entertainment, Escapism, and Aesthetics) of the TEs. It made also possible to verify and confirm the literature review indication that the TEs dimensions contribute positively to the TDI dimensions, and global image. These results reinforced the role of TEs as a important and determinant factor to explain the TDI of a region.O foco da presente tese é estudar os impactos das experiências turísticas na imagem do destino – Algarve. A região é um destino turístico com uma longa tradição na atividade turística, centrada principalmente no sol e mar, e em produtos complementares associados ao turismo balnear. No entanto, a crescente competitividade entre os destinos turísticos, aliado à fraca recuperação económica, e ao desenvolvimento e proliferação de novos canais de distribuição (físicos e virtuais), tem conduzido frequentemente à necessidade dos diversos stakeholders locais, gerirem os destinos turísticos numa ótica de marketing. Num sector complexo e dinâmico como o turismo, a presente realidade económica conduz não só a desafios como oportunidades para os gestores dos destinos. Uma das oportunidades ao alcance dos gestores é a imagem dos destinos, visto que é um fator crítico de sucesso quer antes, durante, ou após o processo de escolha por parte do turista quanto ao seu próximo destino de férias. Por outro lado, o desafio é compreender qual o papel das experiências turísticas e os seus impactes na imagem dos destinos. Aos diversos stakeholders do sector (público e privado) regionais e nacionais, cabe agora a tarefa de delinear novas estratégias que tenham em consideração as oportunidades e os desafios existentes de modo a poderem atrair e captar novos segmentos, bem como satisfazer os atuais, investindo para esse efeito em novos conceitos que acrescentem valor à sua oferta. Neste sentido, o Algarve, tal como os outros destinos turísticos, tem procurado identificar as diferentes necessidades individuais dos diversos segmentos de forma a conseguir-se diferenciar da demais concorrência, e deste modo criar uma marca do destino forte e distinta. Neste contexto, a revisão da literatura realizada concentrou-se em duas grandes áreas, o turismo e o marketing, através do estudo da Imagem do Destino e da Experiência Turística. O papel de cada constructo e sua inter-relação, e mais especificamente, o impacto das experiências turísticas (TEs) na imagem dos destinos, na perceção dos turistas são o ponto central desta pesquisa. Neste sentido, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica abordando toda a literatura mais pertinente sobre a problemática da imagem dos destinos, no sentido de obter um enquadramento espaço-temporal atualizado. As questões sobre a marca, a identidade, os atributos da imagem, a forma como esta é comunicada (com vista a atingir o posicionamento desejado) também foram consideradas, dado que a imagem percecionada pelo turista influencia as suas expectativas quanto à experiência turística, e o grau de satisfação. As especificidades da experiência turística como a autenticidade, os media, os brokers e a construção de “palcos”, também foram abordadas, devido à necessidade dos destinos se “relacionarem” com os turistas. A pesquisa empírica realizada teve três momentos distintos. Primeiro, foi feito um estudo exploratório nas principais cidades do Algarve a turistas estrangeiros de férias, no sentido de identificar os principais atributos funcionais e psicológicos do destino, bem como as atrações e características únicas e distintivas da região. Os resultados obtidos, permitiram verificar que para os turistas inquiridos as principais características funcionais do Algarve foram o bom tempo, a paisagem natural, a gastronomia e as experiências vividas durante as férias. Na componente holística e psicológica, os turistas apreciaram a simpatia dos residentes, o sossego e a calma. Os turistas consideraram também a praia, a beleza natural da região, a gastronomia e a hospitalidade como os principais fatores distintivos. Num segundo momento, foi feito o inquérito antes da experiência turística, aos turistas estrangeiros de visita à região, à chegada no aeroporto de Faro, no sentido de avaliar a priori da imagem do destino turístico Algarve, e as expectativas criadas e detidas pelos turistas aquando da sua chegada. Num terceiro momento, foi realizado novo inquérito após a experiência, no aeroporto internacional de Faro, para se verificar novamente qual a imagem do destino percecionada pelos turistas após a experiência turística na região, e também avaliar qual o contributo da experiência turística para a imagem do destino percecionada a posteriori pelos turistas. Em ambos os estudos, os turistas estrangeiros inquiridos reforçaram os resultados obtidos no estudo exploratório de que as imagens mais fortes do Algarve são ao sol, praia, gastronomia, tranquilidade e simpatia. Os turistas percecionaram ainda o destinam como agradável e moderadamente dinâmico. O grau de satisfação foi muito elevado, levando a que a maioria pretenda regressar no futuro ou recomendar a região a outros potenciais turistas. As experiências turísticas no destino que foram mais valorizadas, foram em geral as de dimensão estética, tendo os turistas para esse efeito considerado a região como agradável e atraente. As restantes dimensões das Experiências Turísticas - Escapismo, Entretenimento, Educação não foram valorizadas com a mesma importância. Aos turistas foram ainda colocadas duas questões abertas, para aferir quais as experiências mais positivas e negativas no destino. A maioria dos inquiridos, mencionou uma vez mais, que as experiências mais positivas foram o bom tempo, a boa comida e a hospitalidade da população regional. Relativamente às experiências negativas, a resposta mais frequente foi de que não viveram, nem experienciaram qualquer tipo de experiência menos positiva. No entanto, dos inquiridos que revelaram ter vivido ou experienciado algum tipo de experiência negativa, as respostas dadas foram relativamente às más condições climatéricas (chuva), à qualidade da comida, ao mau estado das estradas e aos serviços de qualidade inferior, como os principais motivos de desagrado. Por sua vez, o modelo estrutural explicativo apresentado, possibilitou estudar a relação entre os dois constructos, por via dos quatro reinos da experiência (educação, entretenimento, escapismo e estética), e as dimensões da imagem dos destinos. Resultados obtidos permitiram verificar e confirmar as indicações da revisão de literatura de que as dimensões da experiência turística, contribuem para as dimensões (cognitiva, afetiva e comportamental) da imagem do destino, bem como para a imagem global. Os resultados obtidos na presente tese vêm reforçar o papel das experiências turísticas como um fator importante e determinante para explicar a imagem do destino de uma região. Os resultados são também relevantes não só para uma compreensão abrangente da Experiência Turística e da Imagem dos Destinos, como também para observar os efeitos do turismo de experiências. Desta forma, espera-se ter contribuído para um melhor posicionamento da oferta da região, numa perspetiva de valorização das potencialidades que as Experiências Turísticas encerram para a Imagem dos destinos, ou em última instância para a sua marca e ou para o seu planeamento estratégico.Universidade do Algarve, Faculdade e Economi